LED Pocket Watch

This is a LED pocket watch. It has 12 LEDs to show the hour, 60 LEDs to show the minute, and 60 LEDs to show the second. The LEDs are arranged in three rings. There is a button on the top to activate the pocket watch, and a button on the back to change modes and settings.


The battery is a rechargable lithium ion coin cell battery and it is charged from a micro USB connector. The battery life depends on how heavily the pocket watch is used, but if you leave it alone, it is estimated to last several months. There is a low battery indication feature. This pocket watch also feature a buzzer and a vibration motor, which are used for the alarm feature, and the motor causes a short “tick” as each second passes by. The pocket watch is constructed of a PCB, two pieces of laser cut clear acrylic plastic, and a 3D printed casing.

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3 thoughts on “LED Pocket Watch

  1. Markel Robregado

    Hi Frank,

    I would just like to know, what CAD software did you use to make that 3D model of led pocket watch.

    Best Regards,
    Markel Robregado

      1. Markel Robregado

        Hi Frank,

        Thanks for the reply. I admire your electronic projects webpage. Thanks for sharing.

        Bets Regards,


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