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(Before You Start)
Line 240: Line 240:
What I did was: git clone the pyopengl repo, go into pyopengl/accelerate/src and find those files mentioned (wrapper.c, vbo.c, formathandler.c and numpy_formathandler.c), and perform the replacements (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback to curexc_type, curexc_value, curexc_traceback respectively)
What I did was: git clone the pyopengl repo, go into pyopengl/accelerate/src and find those files mentioned (wrapper.c, vbo.c, formathandler.c and numpy_formathandler.c), and perform the replacements (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback to curexc_type, curexc_value, curexc_traceback respectively)
==Installing ROS Package: realsense-ros==
Here's the package, https://github.com/IntelRealSense/realsense-ros/ , it has to be installed through catkin. The repo's readme says that the instructions are in .travis.yml but those instructions are meant for Ubuntu and apt-get, some of those won't work in our case on Raspbian.
Start from these commands:
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
mv * ~/catkin_ws/src/realsense/
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone https://github.com/IntelRealSense/realsense-ros.git
cd realsense-ros/
git checkout 'git tag | sort -V | grep -P "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+" | tail -1'
cd ..
cd ..
at this point, you should be inside ~/catkin_ws , if you ran "catkin_make clean" right now, you will run into an error saying ddynamic_reconfigure is missing, so we will install it
cd src
git clone https://github.com/pal-robotics/ddynamic_reconfigure.git
cd ddynamic_reconfigure
git checkout 'git tag | sort -V | grep -P "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+" | tail -1'
cd ../..
at this point, you should be inside ~/catkin_ws again, and you should be able to proceed with the rest of the installation
catkin_make clean
catkin_make install
echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
==Installing RTAB-Map==
rtabmap has to be installed separately, see instructions from https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap/wiki/Installation#raspberrypi
The list of dependancies shown on the instructions are slightly out of date (libpcl-dev will pull in libvtk7-qt-dev, which conflicts with the instructions, which will install libvtk6-qt-dev), also, you should already have OpenCV by now. I advise you install in the following order:
sudo apt-get install libpcl-dev
sudo apt-get install libopenni2-dev libsqlite3-dev
See what happens.

Revision as of 01:17, 13 September 2019

This page documents problems encountered while trying to install ROS and Intel RealSense onto Raspbian Buster.

I am doing this just a few months after the release of the Raspberry Pi 4. The Raspbian release is Buster. The ROS version I am installing is Kinetic Kame Desktop.


Before You Start

I am using a 64GB microSD card, UHS-I U3. Raspbian Buster Desktop image was flashed to it. SSH was enabled before first boot. I went through the steps to expand the filesystem to fill the whole card, and the other "usual" rasp-config stuff.

I added 1GB of swap space, this is required to build OpenCV and some other packages, otherwise there's a really mysterious crash that happens when compiling those source files.

I recommend you use apt-get to install a few dependencies before you start:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake pkg-config
sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev libjasper-dev libpng12-dev
sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev
sudo apt-get install libxvidcore-dev libx264-dev
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libgtk-3-dev
sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev gfortran
sudo apt-get install python2.7-dev python3-dev

Installing everything will take HOURS, make sure your power supply and SSH connection will not be interrupted. Read a book or watch a movie, or in my case, remotely access your home network so you can work while you do this installation. Also, make sure your Raspberry Pi is sufficiently cooled, it will become very hot, even with heatsinks attached, it can hurt a finger.

Installing ROS

I followed instructions from http://wiki.ros.org/ROSberryPi/Installing%20ROS%20Kinetic%20on%20the%20Raspberry%20Pi

Different people will encounter different problems, most likely due to the rapid pace of version changes. I did not encounter some of the problems mentioned on that page, and I did encounter some ones that were not mentioned on that page.

Problem: "CMake may have trouble finding FindEigen3.cmake"

I did not encounter this problem

Problem: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char*'

Full error text is

/home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/src/opencv3/modules/python/src2/cv2.cpp: In function ‘bool pyopencv_to(PyObject*, T&, const char*) [with T = cv::String; PyObject = _object]’:
/home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/src/opencv3/modules/python/src2/cv2.cpp:885:34: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ [-fpermissive]
     char* str = PyString_AsString(obj);

Apparently this is due to some changes in Python 3.7, and the fix is to find the file cv2.cpp and edit the offending line from

     char* str = PyString_AsString(obj);


     const char* str = PyString_AsString(obj);

Citation: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/14856#issuecomment-504416696

Problem: fatal error: boost/tr1/unordered_set.hpp: No such file or directory

Full error text is

In file included from /home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/src/rospack/src/rospack.cpp:28:
/home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/src/rospack/include/rospack/rospack.h:108:10: fatal error: boost/tr1/unordered_set.hpp: No such file or directory
 #include <boost/tr1/unordered_set.hpp>
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/rospack.dir/build.make:63: CMakeFiles/rospack.dir/src/rospack.cpp.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
In file included from /home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/src/rospack/src/rospack_backcompat.cpp:29:
/home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/src/rospack/include/rospack/rospack.h:108:10: fatal error: boost/tr1/unordered_set.hpp: No such file or directory
 #include <boost/tr1/unordered_set.hpp>
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/rospack.dir/build.make:76: CMakeFiles/rospack.dir/src/rospack_backcompat.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:371: CMakeFiles/rospack.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:141: all] Error 2

This was mentioned on the install instruction page. "On Raspbian Buster the compilation may fail with "'boost/tr1/unordered_set.hpp' file not found". This is because rospack version used in Kinetic is dependent on boost 1.58. To fix this error try installing boost 1.58 manually."

I followed these instructions to install boost 1.58: http://osdevlab.blogspot.com/2016/02/how-to-install-latest-boost-library-on.html , but note: the page here says 1.60, but I changed that to 1.58

Problem: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l-lpthread

Full error text:

[ 94%] Compiling generated code for qt_gui_cpp_sip Python bindings...
make[3]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l-lpthread
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [Makefile:38: "/home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/devel_isolated/qt_gui_cpp/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qt_gui_cpp/libqt_gui_cpp_sip".so] Error 1
make[2]: *** [src/qt_gui_cpp_sip/CMakeFiles/libqt_gui_cpp_sip.dir/build.make:61: /home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/devel_isolated/qt_gui_cpp/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qt_gui_cpp/libqt_gui_cpp_sip.so] Error 2
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:380: src/qt_gui_cpp_sip/CMakeFiles/libqt_gui_cpp_sip.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:141: all] Error 2

This one was nasty... I can't actually explain it, but I found a working fix

Citation: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ros-melodic-qt-gui-cpp/ , user hansbonini commented on 2019-05-31 02:34 "Run the package install for the first time, restart the compilation, add this line before cmake"

sed -i -e 's/\-l\-lpthread//g' sip/qt_gui_cpp_sip/Makefile

Note: depending on what directory you are in, you may need to change the path to the correct Makefile in the command above

Note: I did not put that line before cmake, instead I simply ran that command from the terminal

Problem: logWarn or logError not declared in scope

Full error text, is very similar to:

/home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/src/geometry2/tf2/src/buffer_core.cpp: In member function ‘bool tf2::BufferCore::setTransform(const TransformStamped&, const string&, bool)’:
/home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/src/geometry2/tf2/src/buffer_core.cpp:221:5: error: ‘logError’ was not declared in this scope
     logError("TF_SELF_TRANSFORM: Ignoring transform from authority \"%s\" with frame_id and child_frame_id  \"%s\" because they are the same",  authority.c_str(), stripped.child_frame_id.c_str());
/home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/src/geometry2/tf2/src/buffer_core.cpp:221:5: note: suggested alternative: ‘strerror’
     logError("TF_SELF_TRANSFORM: Ignoring transform from authority \"%s\" with frame_id and child_frame_id  \"%s\" because they are the same",  authority.c_str(), stripped.child_frame_id.c_str());


/home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/src/geometry2/tf2/src/buffer_core.cpp: In member function ‘bool tf2::BufferCore::warnFrameId(const char*, const string&) const’:
/home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/src/geometry2/tf2/src/buffer_core.cpp:126:5: error: ‘logWarn’ was not declared in this scope
/home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/src/geometry2/tf2/src/buffer_core.cpp:134:5: error: ‘logWarn’ was not declared in this scope

This is another code revision incompatibility, the internet says that logError became CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError. The fix is going into the source file buffer_core.cpp and add in a macro to redefine logWarn and logError:

#include "tf2/buffer_core.h"
#include "tf2/time_cache.h"
#include "tf2/exceptions.h"
#include "tf2_msgs/TF2Error.h"

#include <assert.h>
#include <console_bridge/console.h>
#include "tf2/LinearMath/Transform.h"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

#ifndef logError // added by frank26080115
#define logError CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError

#ifndef logWarn // added by frank26080115
#define logWarn CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logWarn

namespace tf2


rest of the code

Citation: https://github.com/ros/console_bridge/issues/56 and https://github.com/ros/ros-overlay/issues/509

I am unsure if my method is the best but it worked.

Installing librealsense

Follow instructions from https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/blob/master/doc/installation_raspbian.md

DO NOT follow instructions from https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/blob/master/doc/RaspberryPi3.md or https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/blob/development/doc/installation.md , these instructions are missing the -DFORCE_LIBUVC=true option during cmake, which is actually quite important

Problem: undefined reference to __atomic_store_8

Full error text is

/usr/bin/ld: ../../librealsense2.so.2.25.0: undefined reference to '__atomic_load_8'
/usr/bin/ld: ../../librealsense2.so.2.25.0: undefined reference to '__atomic_store_8'
/usr/bin/ld: ../../librealsense2.so.2.25.0: undefined reference to '__atomic_fetch_add_8'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [examples/hello-realsense/CMakeFiles/rs-hello-realsense.dir/build.make:91: examples/hello-realsense/rs-hello-realsense] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:455: examples/hello-realsense/CMakeFiles/rs-hello-realsense.dir/all] Error 2
/usr/bin/ld: ../../librealsense2.so.2.25.0: undefined reference to '__atomic_load_8'
/usr/bin/ld: ../../librealsense2.so.2.25.0: undefined reference to '__atomic_store_8'
/usr/bin/ld: ../../librealsense2.so.2.25.0: undefined reference to '__atomic_fetch_add_8'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [examples/software-device/CMakeFiles/rs-software-device.dir/build.make:91: examples/software-device/rs-software-device] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:511: examples/software-device/CMakeFiles/rs-software-device.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:130: all] Error 2

I don't fully understand the problem, but the internet offers a solution

Citation: https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/issues/4565#issuecomment-518359584

Find the file librealsense/CMakeList.txt and put this line near the top


Problem: error: ‘PyThreadState’ {aka ‘struct _ts’} has no member named ...

Full error text is

src/wrapper.c: In function ‘__Pyx_ExceptionSave’:
src/wrapper.c:11474:21: error: ‘PyThreadState’ {aka ‘struct _ts’} has no member named ‘exc_type’; did you mean ‘curexc_type’?
     *type = tstate->exc_type;
src/wrapper.c:11475:22: error: ‘PyThreadState’ {aka ‘struct _ts’} has no member named ‘exc_value’; did you mean ‘curexc_value’?
     *value = tstate->exc_value;
src/wrapper.c:11476:19: error: ‘PyThreadState’ {aka ‘struct _ts’} has no member named ‘exc_traceback’; did you mean ‘curexc_traceback’?
     *tb = tstate->exc_traceback;
src/wrapper.c: In function ‘__Pyx_ExceptionReset’:
src/wrapper.c:11488:24: error: ‘PyThreadState’ {aka ‘struct _ts’} has no member named ‘exc_type’; did you mean ‘curexc_type’?
     tmp_type = tstate->exc_type;
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

Another Python 3.7 incompatibility problem.

Citation: https://github.com/mcfletch/pyopengl/issues/11

What I did was: git clone the pyopengl repo, go into pyopengl/accelerate/src and find those files mentioned (wrapper.c, vbo.c, formathandler.c and numpy_formathandler.c), and perform the replacements (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback to curexc_type, curexc_value, curexc_traceback respectively)

Installing ROS Package: realsense-ros

Here's the package, https://github.com/IntelRealSense/realsense-ros/ , it has to be installed through catkin. The repo's readme says that the instructions are in .travis.yml but those instructions are meant for Ubuntu and apt-get, some of those won't work in our case on Raspbian.

Start from these commands:

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
mv * ~/catkin_ws/src/realsense/
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone https://github.com/IntelRealSense/realsense-ros.git
cd realsense-ros/
git checkout 'git tag | sort -V | grep -P "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+" | tail -1'
cd ..
cd ..

at this point, you should be inside ~/catkin_ws , if you ran "catkin_make clean" right now, you will run into an error saying ddynamic_reconfigure is missing, so we will install it

cd src
git clone https://github.com/pal-robotics/ddynamic_reconfigure.git
cd ddynamic_reconfigure
git checkout 'git tag | sort -V | grep -P "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+" | tail -1'
cd ../..

at this point, you should be inside ~/catkin_ws again, and you should be able to proceed with the rest of the installation

catkin_make clean
catkin_make install
echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Installing RTAB-Map

rtabmap has to be installed separately, see instructions from https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap/wiki/Installation#raspberrypi

The list of dependancies shown on the instructions are slightly out of date (libpcl-dev will pull in libvtk7-qt-dev, which conflicts with the instructions, which will install libvtk6-qt-dev), also, you should already have OpenCV by now. I advise you install in the following order:

sudo apt-get install libpcl-dev
sudo apt-get install libopenni2-dev libsqlite3-dev

See what happens.

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