Robotics Competitions Around the World

There are fun robotics competitions happening all around the world. There are plenty of things that robots do in competitions, they can play sports like soccer or hocket, they can fight to the death, solve mazes, dance, or even see who can be the best bartender.

For small robots, mini-sumo, line following, and micromouse are really popular events. I've gathered some videos for you to watch:

My personal favourite, and the one that I participate in every year, is insect class robot combat. Small robots that fight with weapons so destructive that the matches must happen inside bullet-proof cages. They are actually easy to build, there's no need for them to be "smart" so the electronics is actually super easy.

If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, there's the world's biggest robotics competition that happens just a quick drive away. RoboGames is a huge international competition that covers every type of event, and including super heavyweight robot combat. That means death machines more than 200 lbs designed to kill each other, sometimes with flamethrowers.

RoboGames has Mech Warfare, walking spider-bots with guns!

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